I have a confession to make, the ball was in my court for taking and posting a photo, and I selfishly held on to it for too long. Here's the deal. I wanted to introduce Cale to the blog but wasn't sure how, so I've been waiting until the weekend to see what kind of photo opportunities would happen.
Also, I looked back at some of our earliest posts to see how Jeff was introduced to the Project, and honestly it was really quite simple... It was Day 10 and he surprised us with pancakes for breakfast. (However, a couple of times before that, he was mentioned, one time as your "stud boyfriend." haha)
So I thought this was actually pretty perfect. Cale and I drove down to Austin together to meet friends from New Life for a fun weekend at Lake Travis, but before we caught up with everyone, Cale said he a had a surprise that was definitely 365-worthy.
We stopped at a little side walk restaurant, called Flip Happy Crepes, located at 400 Jessie Street! Haha I've never seen a street sign with my name on it, so I was pretty excited. It was a great date, and a good way to introduce Cale-as-my-boyfriend to the Project, who also surprised me with breakfast... for dinner!
Love you and miss you,
Jessie Jean
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