Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 77 and Martha's Bloomers

I pass this little garden/gift shop/tea room every time I drive home from College Station. Last week, I noticed they had these really cool, huge hand crafted turkeys made of hay. Thinking it would be a great festive 365 idea, Bailey and I drove towards Navasota for a picture at Martha's Bloomers. We thought we had the shot, and decided to go in and browse - just for kicks. Instantly we were greeted by a lovely, super friendly Linda who had just opened up a little boutique within the store. She called the boutique her baby and got so excited when we came in and started smelling candles. "Try on the hats!" she said excitedly. We did, and the following picture is the result. Yes, we bought them.
I've never had a hat, (I'm excluding my tomboy phase where baseball caps were a staple.) Does anyone remember the Looney Tunes short where the hat delivery truck doors open and all of the hats escape? It was one of my favorites. All sorts of hats where flying around in the middle of a small downtown and changing the personalities of the unsuspecting victims they landing on. An army gereral's hat falls on a goofy business man and he immediately transforms into the role of General Patton - walking like John Wayne, pipe in the mouth, barking orders - oh it was great! On the drive home, we pretended to take on the persona of our hats. Of course, my name would be Ingrid, living as a painter in Paris, and Bailey, known as Francesca, would be visiting her brother abroad in London.

Anyway, back to reality, I'd highly recommend giving Linda a visit at Martha's Bloomers if you're ever heading south on Highway Six. If you love anything feminine, you're in a for real treat!

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