Sunday, March 22, 2010
I thought about getting rid of my facebook back in January... but felt that was a bit drastic. A lot of communication goes on in the facebook world and I didn't want to be completely cut off. However, I did log on less and stopped facebook chat altogether. Then Bailey began to hate the "false sense of community" that she was beginning to develop through this social network. School work gets avoided because of this tricky site, and phone calls are dismissed because it's easier to write on a person's wall.
So we decided to do something drastic without completely closing our accounts. We made up passwords for each other so that we can only log in if we ask the other person to type in the password for us. No more mindless hours staring at a screen full of news feeds, status, updates, etc... And guess what? It's freeing, the world moves on without facebook, and it's great!
Nice idea! I deactivated mine until my exegetical is written. Life is good without it.